Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Dog, oh dog, I am now a grand-paw! I never expected to be old enough to become a grand-paw and I never looked forward to it but now that it has happened, it isn't so bad. Raree is so cute, who wouldn't love to be her grand-paw. Everytime she comes over, I can't get over how much she has grown. I try to get a good look at her but the people won't let me too close, I don't get it. When she cries, I am right there, trying to make her feel better but the people shoo me away. What's up with that? I can tell before any of them when she needs a clean diaper too, but do you think they appreciate it? They just shoo me away. I don't think it is necessary to use all those baby wipes when they are changing it either, but they just shoo me away. I try to remind them where they sat the pacifer down, "Shoo!". Just wait till she is older and can talk. She will tell them how she likes me best!

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