Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Lot of Activity

Things have been pretty busy around here lately. Sister #3 married that guy who has been staying in my basement. There were parties and people hanging out here for days.

I am worn out. All this wedding stuff is pretty overwhelming.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


A bunch of women showed up last night. They brought presents for sister #3. They didn't let me open any of them.

When the first guest arrived, I was so excited. I was showing off how flexible my back half can be, wiggling like you wouldn't believe, when they started feeding me my favorite bacon treats. They must have really liked my wiggles because they kept giving me more and more.


It tasted kind of funny though. There was this little pink thing in this batch of bacon treats that didn't taste good. I kept spitting it out but as they fed me more and more bacon, I think I actually ended up swallowing it.

Oh well.

As the party progressed and more people showed up, I was feeling a little tired. I mostly just laid down and watched. Every once in a while,I stood up on the back of the couch to give everyone on the couch a wet-willie; just to remind them I was there. I didn't have it in me to show off the flexibililty in my back end to everyone so only a few of the guests got to see it.

I know everyone is sad that I wasn't the life of the party. They seemed to have a little fun in spite of my lack of enthusiasm but I'll have to try harder next time.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Riding In Cars With Anyone

I love to go for rides in the car. I used to go when the woman drove the Durango but when she got her new car, she stopped taking me along. I was heartbroken. Something about dog hair that wont come out of the upholstery and carpet?

Lately, she has been bringing me along in the mornings when the Blonde one goes to school. Some days, they even pick up a few strangers and that is so exciting. I love to reach up and give them wet-willies. They love it because they pet me and scratch my ears as a reward for my wet gift.

This new car is not as good as the Durango. It is an Infinity FX45. I don't know why they would waste their money on this one. The dog spot in the back is too cramped and I have to stand the whole time, the window doesn't roll down for me to stick my head out or anything. I am not really complaining, I will take going for rides anytime, even if it means slumming it in an Infinity.
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