Saturday, June 27, 2009

Where Have All The Marshmallows Gone?

There was a time when dog food was not something I thought much about. It all tasted good to me. Then one day, my people gave me some new food that had these wonderful little round, tasty morsels. There was only about 1 of these tasty bits per 30 of the other stuff but I wish it had more. If you can imagine a bowl full of Lucky Charms. There is this whole bowl full of normal, average cereal, then every few spoonfuls, your mouths gets treated with the sweet tasty marshmallows.

Thats the way this dog food was for me, only, it got to where I craved the marshmallows and no longer wanted the cereal. I did my best to extract the good things from the bland rest which is no easy task...have you noticed my jowls? It was all I could think about. When the marshmallows were gone, I tried letting my people know I wanted more. They didn't understand. I would pat my bowl with my paw, my usual signal that I need more food, but they would see the bland, normal food in the bowl and ignore my request. They aren't as smart as I would like them to be sometimes.

I often had to resort to eating the bland cereal when I got hungry enough but I loved it when they would fill my bowl with a new batch, with marshmallows.

Then, there were no more.

I haven't had a marshmallow for a long time now. I've gotten used to eating the bland cereal again with no problems but at night, I still dream about marshmallows.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Great Vacation

I have been lucky this year. I got two great vacations at the pet resort hotel. I had a great time. Unfortunately, I had to drag my little sister Rosie along, (adopted, not related by blood), but it wasn't so bad most of the time. At least she doesn't tattle on me. It could get a little uncomfortable if she told my people everything I did. If she ever decided to start ratting me out, I would have to tell on her to pay her back. Don't think she would like that.

Well, I lost a little weight, made some great friends. Hope to see them again someday. When they came to take us to the lobby, I was expecting to see my people waiting for me. My tail (and bum) was in great form, ready to greet them. I was shocked to find some strange guy there to pick us up. I thought the hotel had made a mistake and I didn't want to leave with him until I saw that he had my leash. I knew it was ok because how else would he have my own leash if it wasn't ok with the woman and the boss, plus, he had a car. I love to ride in cars so I knew he was an ok fellow.

He took us straight home and I was disappointed to be put into the back yard. It wasn't so bad at first, but it started getting really late and I was still out there. Rosie was still wandering around too. She likes being out at night, but, I wanted my dinner snack. The boss always gives me something from his people food. I didn't get dinner or my snack. I barked many, many, many times, but I was still outside.

The later it got, the more I was sure they forgot about me so I jumped over the gate they close sometimes to keep themselves on the deck. I knocked on the door...several times, but no response. I tried my knock and bark combo trick. Nothing! They were being very quiet. I thought they were hiding from me, so I started to scratch the window. That always works. The woman always rushes to let me in if I have to resort to that. But, that didn't work either.

I was tempted to start chewing on the deck chair cushions but I just didn't have it in me. I just wanted some food and my bed. It was almost midnight and I was still outside in the dark. It was cold for a mid-June night so I went to the other window and started scratching the window screen. I thought for sure this would work and it did. A car finally pulled up letting me know that my strategy paid off, but not before the screen was in shreds.

My joy was short-lived though. I heard them pull up and I heard them walking around and talking but they still didn't let me in. I thought, "What is their problem?" I was tempted to shred the screen some more but decided to whine a little instead so they would know how impatient I was. After what seemed an eternity, another car pulled up and I was soon in the house.

Of course I forgave them quickly. That's just the kind of dog I am. I never hold a grudge. Some warm hearted greetings to everyone and a little snack, I was back in my own bed. I love to go on vacation, but I have to admit, my own bed is the best.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Rail is Rere!

Sometimes I get to go get the mail. I make the boss think I like getting the mail but actually, I am just scoping out my next get-away.

I made it away yesterday again. I didn't get to be out long before they caught me and dragged me back but it was a few seconds of blissful freedom.

I don't know why they get all up in a tizzy everytime I go for a run. Don't they know I was planning to come back?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Watching the Cars go by...and the cats, and the kids....

Overprotective?? I don't know the meaning of the word. Part of my job is to protect my owner's property. I take my job seriously, so don't come around thinking you are going to sneak up on me. I SEE YOU!

Monday, May 4, 2009

It's Final!!

I need a bigger suitcase, I can't fit my favorite pillow.

I got the word that the family vacation is ON! Pet Hotel, here I come. I heard the woman making my reservations on the phone. I better start packing.

I am almost out of breath bones. How am I going to impress the girls with bad breath? I also need a bath, as much as I hate to admit it.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dremels for Everything

The Master got a dremel for Christmas. I've listened to them all talk about how you can use that tool for just about everything. Well, today, they used it on me. They decided that they were going to file down my toe nails. I fought them as best as I could but in the end...the Dremel won.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hind Sight

I love to go for rides in the car. The woman takes me more often these days. Some days, she likes to torture me. She grabs her purse and acts like she is ready to go, but then, she doesn't. I follow her around and try to remind her that she wants to leave, because I think she forgets.

I run back and forth from her, to the garage door, back to her, back to the door. I even try to tell her but it just comes out like a whine. Still, I whine and whine, trying to say, "let's go!"

Finally, we get in the car and we are off.

Being in the back of the car, I have a disadvantage in that I can only see where we have been. It would be best if I could ride in the front but I tried that once and the woman and sis didn't get it. They worked really hard to pull me from the car even though I was doing my best to show them how much better it was to be in the front.

I would rather go than not go, so, I'll take the back if that is all I can get. The visability is a little poor. I have the back window but the other windows are kind of hard to see out of.

The woman took me with her to go get sis from after-school band the other night and sis took a long time to come out from the band room. The woman rolled down the back windows and I crawled up as close as I could get and I COULD SEE! There were kids walking around and I could see them and even smell them. It was great.

Then, they saw me! They actually went inside and told the other kids inside that there was a white car waiting outside with a dog. Sis recognized the description and came out soon after.

I was so glad to be helpful. I fear that without me, the woman would have waited there all night for sis to finally come out. Just knowing there was a white car was not enough, knowing there was a white car with a dog...well, that clinched it. What are the odds that two white cars would have a dog in it. What would they do without me?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Oh Ye of Little Faith

I keep hearing all the humans that visit the house asking, "Who writes Chico's blog?"

Who do you think is writing it???? And they say humans are smarter than dogs?

Thursday, April 2, 2009


A rare opportunity reared it's head today for me and I just had to take it. The woman was cleaning off the porch with the door open this morning. I sat just inside the door like a good dog should. She started arranging the flowers in the pots and she was taking such a long time.

All the while, the new dog across the street was taunting me. He kept yapping at me, "Do it! Run, you wont get another chance."

I couldn't let him think I was chicken. I waited until she looked at me sitting so good just inside the door. After I let her see me, she turned her back and I took off. I was so fast, I made it around the corner before she even realized I was gone. Once I was out of sight, I slowed down and started to enjoy myself. Everyone along that street will know that it belongs to me now.

I was afraid the new dog was going to rat me out before I made it away. He was barking...egging me on so. I told him to be quiet but he wouldn't listen.

Anyway, I got all the way to the 4th house up the street before the woman drove up in the car. I thought about ignoring her but I love to ride in the car so much, I couldn't help it. I jumped in and we were back home in no time.

I will remember those 2 minutes for the rest of my life.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I am worried I won't get my vacation this year. The humans keep talking about where they are going to go, but summer is fast approaching and no decisions have been made. Here's the thing, if they don't go, then I don't get to go.

I don't know what I'll do if I don't make it to the Pet Resort Hotel for 7-10 days of luxury and socializing! I don't get to hang out much with other dogs, man. I mean, let's face it, the guy behind is a snob, and the girls next door might be kind of cute..., yeah right, if you're like in to old ladies, I'm talking men-o-paws-all of 'em. Plus, they never shut up or let me get a word in edge-wise.

Then, there's the little fact that I get to let it all hang out while on vacation...yep!

Toe-ta-all-lee Nay-ked!

Oh, ok, before you get all "EE-YOO" on me, stop yer worrying, I keep my collar on.

I would'nt really go that far!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Invisible Man?

I could feel him, but I couldn't smell him or see him. I thought dogs were supposed to have a keen sense of smell and good eyesight.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Lot of Activity

Things have been pretty busy around here lately. Sister #3 married that guy who has been staying in my basement. There were parties and people hanging out here for days.

I am worn out. All this wedding stuff is pretty overwhelming.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


A bunch of women showed up last night. They brought presents for sister #3. They didn't let me open any of them.

When the first guest arrived, I was so excited. I was showing off how flexible my back half can be, wiggling like you wouldn't believe, when they started feeding me my favorite bacon treats. They must have really liked my wiggles because they kept giving me more and more.


It tasted kind of funny though. There was this little pink thing in this batch of bacon treats that didn't taste good. I kept spitting it out but as they fed me more and more bacon, I think I actually ended up swallowing it.

Oh well.

As the party progressed and more people showed up, I was feeling a little tired. I mostly just laid down and watched. Every once in a while,I stood up on the back of the couch to give everyone on the couch a wet-willie; just to remind them I was there. I didn't have it in me to show off the flexibililty in my back end to everyone so only a few of the guests got to see it.

I know everyone is sad that I wasn't the life of the party. They seemed to have a little fun in spite of my lack of enthusiasm but I'll have to try harder next time.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Riding In Cars With Anyone

I love to go for rides in the car. I used to go when the woman drove the Durango but when she got her new car, she stopped taking me along. I was heartbroken. Something about dog hair that wont come out of the upholstery and carpet?

Lately, she has been bringing me along in the mornings when the Blonde one goes to school. Some days, they even pick up a few strangers and that is so exciting. I love to reach up and give them wet-willies. They love it because they pet me and scratch my ears as a reward for my wet gift.

This new car is not as good as the Durango. It is an Infinity FX45. I don't know why they would waste their money on this one. The dog spot in the back is too cramped and I have to stand the whole time, the window doesn't roll down for me to stick my head out or anything. I am not really complaining, I will take going for rides anytime, even if it means slumming it in an Infinity.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


All this snow is putting a damper on my patrol routine. It is my job to patrol the parimeter. I have tried to do my job but the snow has been so deep, it makes it hard. I can only seem to keep up the minimum effort. I make up for it in the house by watching the front door. I also go out more often, I just don't stay out as long. It is hard work getting my people to let me out every 15 minutes then back in again 1 1/2 min.s later, but they are finally getting the idea. Phew!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What are they thinking?

My people started making me wear "shorts" again. I was just getting used to not having them on. It took a while, but I was really getting the knack again of spreading my scent around.

Especially when the new guy showed up, I really let the basement have it. He sleeps downstairs and I made it perfectly clear that this is my house.

I don't know what I am going to do now with shorts on. Hopefully, the message I was able to send out before was good enough to last until next time they stop putting these darned shorts on me.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Guy

There's been a new guy hanging around. He seems pretty nice. I tested his ball playing skills and he does ok, but he smells different. I have been making sure he understands his place in the house heirarchy.
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