I have been lucky this year. I got two great vacations at the pet resort hotel. I had a great time. Unfortunately, I had to drag my little sister Rosie along, (adopted, not related by blood), but it wasn't so bad most of the time. At least she doesn't tattle on me. It could get a little uncomfortable if she told my people everything I did. If she ever decided to start ratting me out, I would have to tell on her to pay her back. Don't think she would like that.
Well, I lost a little weight, made some great friends. Hope to see them again someday. When they came to take us to the lobby, I was expecting to see my people waiting for me. My tail (and bum) was in great form, ready to greet them. I was shocked to find some strange guy there to pick us up. I thought the hotel had made a mistake and I didn't want to leave with him until I saw that he had my leash. I knew it was ok because how else would he have my own leash if it wasn't ok with the woman and the boss, plus, he had a car. I love to ride in cars so I knew he was an ok fellow.
He took us straight home and I was disappointed to be put into the back yard. It wasn't so bad at first, but it started getting really late and I was still out there. Rosie was still wandering around too. She likes being out at night, but, I wanted my dinner snack. The boss always gives me something from his people food. I didn't get dinner or my snack. I barked many, many, many times, but I was still outside.
The later it got, the more I was sure they forgot about me so I jumped over the gate they close sometimes to keep themselves on the deck. I knocked on the door...several times, but no response. I tried my knock and bark combo trick. Nothing! They were being very quiet. I thought they were hiding from me, so I started to scratch the window. That always works. The woman always rushes to let me in if I have to resort to that. But, that didn't work either.
I was tempted to start chewing on the deck chair cushions but I just didn't have it in me. I just wanted some food and my bed. It was almost midnight and I was still outside in the dark. It was cold for a mid-June night so I went to the other window and started scratching the window screen. I thought for sure this would work and it did. A car finally pulled up letting me know that my strategy paid off, but not before the screen was in shreds.
My joy was short-lived though. I heard them pull up and I heard them walking around and talking but they still didn't let me in. I thought, "What is their problem?" I was tempted to shred the screen some more but decided to whine a little instead so they would know how impatient I was. After what seemed an eternity, another car pulled up and I was soon in the house.
Of course I forgave them quickly. That's just the kind of dog I am. I never hold a grudge. Some warm hearted greetings to everyone and a little snack, I was back in my own bed. I love to go on vacation, but I have to admit, my own bed is the best.