I am worried I won't get my vacation this year. The humans keep talking about where they are going to go, but summer is fast approaching and no decisions have been made. Here's the thing, if they don't go, then I don't get to go.
I don't know what I'll do if I don't make it to the Pet Resort Hotel for 7-10 days of luxury and socializing! I don't get to hang out much with other dogs, man. I mean, let's face it, the guy behind is a snob, and the girls next door might be kind of cute..., yeah right, if you're like in to old ladies, I'm talking men-o-paws-all of 'em. Plus, they never shut up or let me get a word in edge-wise.
Then, there's the little fact that I get to let it all hang out while on vacation...yep!
Toe-ta-all-lee Nay-ked!
Oh, ok, before you get all "EE-YOO" on me, stop yer worrying, I keep my collar on.
I would'nt really go that far!
Don't worry budddy, I am sure you will get a break this year, also.
You saying the dogs next door never shut up? I heard they never bark.
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